“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Posts tagged ‘mick jagger’

Rock N’ Roll

~ There is no one way to love, nor is there a standard for how love should be experienced. So naturally, there are hearts of all shapes and sizes. I found this out on my street one day, and it made me think of rock n’ roll for some reason. The stratocaster type shape to it perhaps? I think that if Mick Jagger could pick a heart out of this blog, it would be this one. Or like, if you were to cut him open and pull out his heart, it would look like this. I don’t know why, but that’s what just pops in my head looking at this. Anyway, back to a relevent point.

It’s interesting to see how many times in our lives we get caught up in the ways we think we should be loved instead of the love itself. Because we all have different personalities, world views, interests, etc, it should be no surprise that we have different ways of loving and expressing that love. Thinking back over my relationships, I realize how much of the useless drama stemmed from not being loved in the way we think we should have been (from either side). So, something as mundane as “I can’t believe you forgot to pick up the things I asked for.” is really about our scared child inside thinking “If he/she didn’t remember to pick up such and such, he/she must not really love me. I’m not worthy of their constant thought process, and I deserve more than this.” Then we’re on to the next, only to find out that something else will trigger the same inner reaction. We get distracted by the actions of others instead of trying to understand their intentions. Just as well, one can justify a dysfunctional relationship in the same way. In the end, it all comes down to trust and honesty within ourselves. We’ve all been gifted with a little thing call intuition. I must admit that anytime I end up in a situation which is less than ideal, I can trace it back to where I went against my gut feeling in that direction. And since none of us ever like to take responsibility for our lives, we shift the blame, only to find it appear in future relationships or situations. I say it’s time we all wake up to our inner gifts. Gifts based not on the idea of love, but rather, the integrity that true love brings.

Outside my place, on the street.